Chapter Four¶
Step size → large: error less; small error more and accumulate.
$partial(f(x)) / partial(h) = 0$ → to get the minimal error.
There are three inseting ways to find the error; however, this class we intro the middle way. And we need calculus to find the error.
We have to consider round-off error and truncation error to let the numerical error minimize.
blunders → what stupid people did, formulation errors → there are still some phenomanon that we haven’t certained, data uncertainty
How will you improve the accuracy of the divergence?
Chapter Five¶
if we meet the complex polynomial → through graphic method to find the point interect with x-axis.
- Bisection:
- divided into 2, we can count the truth steps of getting the value what we want.
- True error never exceeds delta(x) / 2
- more times
- False position:
- linear interpolation
- less times
Chapter Six¶
- Simple fixed-point iteration:
- rewrite the funciton → left-side = right-side
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